Tuesday, December 15, 2009

What is the best eye cream to keep from getting wrinkles?

Whats the best eye cream for preventing wrinkles and reducing fine linesWhat is the best eye cream to keep from getting wrinkles?
drug store choice : Oil of Olay

department store choice: Clinique All about eyesWhat is the best eye cream to keep from getting wrinkles?
Recently I discovered using extra virgin olive oil on my face works just as good if not better then any store bought face and eye cream. And believe me, I have cupboards full! I'd heard it was really good but was afraid to try it but a few weeks ago, I gave it a go and I will never go back to those creams and serums I'd been using for years. I use it straight from the bottle and that's all I need. No serum, no eye cream. My skin is healthy and even toned. The lines that were around my eyes have vanished. When summer comes around, I will have to find something to protect me from the sun but in the mean time, I'll stick with the E.V.O.O.! Save your money and try it! You only need a few drops and your skin absorbs it immediately so you're not left with an oily face. Also, there is no smell. So don't worry about smellng like a salad.

I hope this helps.
since there are many factors that can affect the skin like sudden change of weather, too much exposure to the sun, drugs and medication as well as unhealthy habits. avoiding all of these can be a big help for they all have negative impact on the skin, since they cause the skin to become dehydrated and dull.

be able also to have a good skin care regime as well as a good skin care program. use an all natural skin care product for it is found to be safe and effective for all skin types. try also to have well-balanced diet, drink plenty of water and have enough sleep and exercise to help the skin look clean and healthy. for more tips to have healthy skin visit http://www.skinsosilky.com
Well, really the only thing that has been proven to prevent age is sunscreen, so I would get either an eye cream or a lotion that is broad spectrum and has an spf of at least 15. Some lotions make skin look younger by swelling up the skin temporarily. So, it might help in that way too. Avon has a good eye cream from the ANEW line. I usually just use my facial moisturizer under my eyes. It is Cetaphil Daily Moisturizing Lotion, with an SPF of 15. My dermatologist recommeded it. I hope that this helps.
Be gentle with your skin and it will go a long way in keeping it smooth and supple. Gently massage the face with glycerin-honey mixture. Dip a cotton pad in unbeaten egg white, and smooth it across wrinkles. Leave it on for an hour and remove it with a cotton dipped in ice-cold water. Check out http://useinfo-wrinkles.blogspot.com/ for more useful info.

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