Tuesday, December 15, 2009

What is the best eye cream for sensitive eyes, with dark circles and wrinkles?

I've tried heaps of eye creams, and they all sting the area around my eyes. The skin is also flaky after I cleanse my skin, so is there a cream which can also hydrate my eyes heaps?What is the best eye cream for sensitive eyes, with dark circles and wrinkles?
Kiehls Avocado Treatment!! i'm 28 and just heard about this stuff... it got some rave reviews at makeup alley, which is a makeup rating website that i love: http://makeupalley.com/product/showrevie鈥?/a>

i just started using it about 3 weeks ago. i'm such a consumer, and TOUGH critic when it comes to products. i also have extremely sensitive skin: it is super dry/flaky in some areas (such as around the eyes) and oily/acne-prone in others. also, i am prone to eczema on my face.

this cream has done wonders for the skin of my eye area, and i haven't experienced any of the irritation or burning i've felt with pretty much every other eye product. i'm smooth, soft, bright, and glowy. i'm hooked on this stuff. :DWhat is the best eye cream for sensitive eyes, with dark circles and wrinkles?
You're welcome! The only drawback to this cream (just remembered), is that I kind of have to tug at the eye area to get it smoothed on there, and that can't be good! Plan is to go back to the Kiehls store and see if they recommend a better way. Anyway, hope you enjoy this product too! Report Abuse

Arbonne. It works great on sensitive skin. It's not oily or heavy either.I have been using Arbonne eye cream for six months normally I have a problem with eye creams stinging also but, have not had a problem with this one. The hydrating facial wash is great too!
I agree, Arbonne! Im 29, but have three young girls and my eyes DID have some dark circles. I have some great before and afters if you would like. Also, if your skin is flaky, you probably need to get a better lotion / wash, and maybe to use a scrub.

You can find it out at: http://www.arbonne.com/products/anti-agi鈥?/a>

or purchase from http://www.gleamingskin.myarbonne.com

Take care,

get it from avon....it called ';ANEW force extras';
Vitamin E. The Body Shop makes a great vitamin E eye cream. You also sound like you need a better moisturizer if your skin is getting flakey. You could try going to one of those stands in the mall where they sell cosmetics and talk to them about it, try the salespeople at the body shop or call a mary kay consultant - they usually know what they are talking about.

Good luck!
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